Fireproof gates
Fireproof doors are used to separate the fire safety zones of a building in accordance with the applicable building fire regulations. We offer both fireproof doors, as well as automatic and stationary smoke curtains. We closely follow the latest door fire safety regulations and manufacturer innovations in order to be able to offer you appropriate and certified fireproof doors solutions.

Reliable fireproof doors
Fireproof curtains E, EW, EI
Designed to separate fire areas in accordance with applicable fire safety regulations.
Mainly used in buildings of high aesthetic value – in utilities and shopping centers.
- The door leaf is made of fiberglass fabric
- The ballast built into the curtains allows them to be tensioned correctly
- Guides and guards are available in any color of the RAL palette
- The construction of the curtain prevents the formation of thermal bridges by installing it in a longer size
- As standard, all door body elements are galvanized

Roller doors
Vārti tiek atvērti un aizvērti ar 24 V motoru palīdzību. Ugunsgrēka trauksmes gadījumā vadības bloks iedarbina motoru, un vārti aizver eju starp ugunsgrēka zonām.
- The motor and control unit are equipped with an additional power supply
- The door leaf consists of fireproof panels
- Each panel is made of PVC profile according to the shape
- Number of door opening cycles - 10,000
- For larger doors, it is also possible to use a motor powered by 3x400V
Sliding doors
In the standard version, the door is closed by gravity using a counterweight. Keeping the door open is possible thanks to the electric holder connected to the fire alarm control panel.
- In the event of a fire alarm, the control panel releases the electrical holder and the door closes the aisle between the fire zones
- The door is opened manually or automatically using an electromechanical drive
- It is possible to use an electromechanical drive that operates on 24 V
- The doors can also be equipped with small staff evacuation doors
- Number of door opening cycles - 10,000

Sectional doors
Ideal for closing large rooms and commercial, fire-hazardous areas, and for storing hazardous materials. When the door is connected to the building’s fire alarm system, it closes automatically in the event of a fire alarm.
- The door is powered by a FailSafe 400V motor. The door works without the help of springs
- Available in galvanized steel or RAL 9002 and RAL 7016
- Width up to 5250 mm, height up to 5250 mm
- Built-in staff door (optional)
- The lifting system is specially designed for this door